Thursday, January 5, 2012

Rock Climbing - Day 5

So, I put on my freshly washed wool sweater today, and the biceps area felt really tight. It might of course be due to the fact that it is a dry clean only sweater and I put it in the washing machine, but I also think it has to do with 4 straight days of rock climbing. I will have to make sure I stretch it out next time I wash it.

I climbed for about 45 minutes today (it seems that will be the norm, long enough to feel like I've worked at it, but before I've completely exhausted myself). I'm feeling less sore each day, the V0s are getting easier, and I'm making progress on a few V1s . . . I'm pretty happy with how things are going.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with climbing, I thought I would add a note today about the "V" scale that I keep referring to. It's known as the Hueco Scale and it was developed by John Sherman, one of the pioneers of bouldering. I was a little discouraged while reading up on this scale when I discovered that it goes up to V16. I'm struggling with V1s, and it goes up to 16. I'm pretty sure that has to be a completely smooth piece of rock that only lizards could make it up. As you probably guessed, as the number increases, so does the difficulty of the climb, pretty simple. Now you know :)

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