Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Rock Climbing - Day 4

Good news folks, the soreness in my back is starting to go away. The gym wasn't too crowded, I climbed plenty of V0s, and even attempted some V1s. So far, so good. The rock claimed it's first bit of skin from my hand today, but I think I'll live.

One of my favorite parts of going to Boulders is in the moments when I'm not climbing, I can sit back and watch other people climb. There are some people there that frankly defy gravity. I saw a man today who was climbing upside down. When I say upside down climbing, I don't mean that he was perpendicular to the ground and was climbing up the wall feet first, because that would be crazy. What I mean is that he was parallel to the ground. It was pretty impressive to watch. Maybe someday I'll get that good, but for now, it's V0s and V1s for me, and now to deal with my forearms starting to feel huge...I'm going to end up with "man arms" (as I call them...I guess "toned" would be a better word for it). Enjoy the picture of me on a V0 :) 


  1. Isn't that an Alchemist Club T-shirt? I guess that is appropriate attire, since Science Rocks! This experiment of yours sounds amazing, and I'd love to join you on some weekend or something for some belaying action, if you continue climbing past January. Not much time left this month otherwise... my own fault for being terrible at keeping in touch, otherwise I could've partaken earlier! I haven't been climbing since that time in college, freshman year, and have tried to talk friends into going but I/they never followed through with it.

    1. You are correct...that is the Alchemist t-shirt. And yes, science does rock :) Maybe next time they have a Boulders Groupon we can go...glad to know I have someone I can call next time I need a climbing buddy.
