Sunday, January 15, 2012

Rock Climbing - Day 15

Favorite quote of the day: "Dude, be careful, there's a 7 year old girl on the top of the boulder. . .I'm serious" :)

Today was a day more for observation than anything else. I was feeling a little bored with the routes so while I still got a good work out in, I kept my eyes more open to what was going on around me. While putting my shoes on, a little girl shyly said "hi" to me. We then exchanged pleasantries about how we each thought each other had cool glasses, and we went off to climb. I was expecting her to be like any other kid who comes to Boulders and only top ropes up the easiest routes, but boy was I wrong. She was free climbing better than many adults I've seen. I should have known she was different when she brought her own climbing shoes complete with monkeys on them. She was in all senses of the word, a rock star.

The quote at the top came from a group of guys when their buddy was trying to muscle his way up the free standing boulder. I have noticed that guys, more than girls, tend to try and claw their way up instead of carefully thinking about the best foot placement and climbing strategy. One of the guys in the group even had a "Tough Mudder" shirt on. Now, I know a few guys who ran the "Tough Mudder" last year, and it did not sound easy, but their climbing skills just got majorly shown up by a little girl. . .I thought it was hilarious (any of you care to rethink your decisions of yesterday on whether or not I'm a bad person?)

Wow, what a day.

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