Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Juggling - Day 12

I think today went much better than yesterday. Getting more rest was definitely helpful, and improved my hand-eye coordination quite a bit. Today was the first day I tried juggling with music on . . .it was a little distracting, and I can’t juggle in time, but it didn’t throw me off too badly. Also, another thing that helped me was the fact that I didn’t try and count my tosses so I only had to concentrate on juggling. One thing I noticed today was that I’m getting uptight again . . . perfectionist’s syndrome. It is the same as when I was trying to learn how to knit. I would get going, and then get so worried I was going to screw up that I start getting tense and my stitches got so close together I couldn’t even get the knitting needle in anymore. The only craft where this was an advantage was basket weaving . . .I was good at that ;) It seems that with juggling I start making my throws smaller and smaller until my juggling circle implodes . . .I need to work on that.

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