Monday, September 24, 2012

Children's Book - Day 24

I’m frustrated and tired again today. I began by looking over my drawings and trying to brainstorm what to do next. The drawing I’ve been working on is okay, but it’s just not fitting into my plan. I knew that I couldn’t possibly do a detailed, realistic-looking Jan Brett style book in one month, so I really need to stop trying to do things like that. That’s not what I’m trying to draw, but for some reason my perfectionist brain can’t figure out how to draw simple, cartoonish figures like what I need to be working on. For most of this hour I just felt like I was in a kid’s “time out” and it was just punishment to sit here and look at my drawings and be disappointed by them. I think one of the reasons that yoga was so good for me was because I got away from home and to a special spot dedicated for that where I could just focus on it and do it well. Here, at home, surrounded by a million other things that I need to be working on, I have a very hard time feeling like drawing and writing is what I should be doing. Plus, I have mediocre supplies and no place to really put my stuff to work. So I end up reclining on the futon, and that probably is not helping my tiredness . . . I just want to go to sleep. And being tired does not promote hard work and dedication. I don’t want to be lazy, I really do want a finished product (since I got none of that during scrapbooking month), but I don’t feel like I’m equipped for success here. I did spend a little time studying some more cartoonish drawings and my husband advised that I should make my drawings using simpler shapes and exaggerate the features I’m trying to promote in the particular drawings, so I need to work on that. I think it is really good advice, now I just need to figure out how to find my easy-going side somewhere and try to apply it to drawing . . . wish me luck!

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