Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Help - Part 7

Chapter 31

  • The white ladies of Jackson are starting to piece together who's who in Skeeter's book . . .this could be trouble if Hilly doesn't step in soon and try and convince them otherwise.
Chapter 32

  • Leroy threatens Minny, things are not very safe for Minny at home anymore. 
  • Miss Hilly FINALLY finishes reading the book
Chapter 33

  • Hilly shows up, all angry, and threatens to tell Skeeter's mom (who is thankfully in remission from her cancer), but doesn't. Oh Hilly, for how awful you are, the worst you could do was threaten to tell her mom on her?
  • Things are looking up for Skeeter who gets a job offer from the publisher in New York City.
Chapter 34

  • Skeeter realizes there is really nothing left for her to stick around for in Jackson, so she takes the job in NYC. Abileen gets fired (mostly due to Miss Hilly's lies), but will write the Miss Myrna column for the paper now that Skeeter moved away. 
The End

Overall, I think it was a good book, I'm really looking forward to seeing how it is portrayed in the movie. My grammar might be suffering a bit from reading this book, but it was a fun change from "A Tale of Two Cities". I'm so glad that I've been reading, even if it means less sleeping time . . .it's been so nice to have time set aside for this; I wish I could read every day. 

The racial issues in this book were a little eye opening for me as I've never really dealt with anything like that. It's so sad to see how ignorant and prejudiced people are, I really wish everyone could just get along. As the famous song says: "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight; Jesus loves the little children of the world." If only we could all look past the outward appearance and learn to love what is inside instead . . .can we all try and do that? Thanks. 

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