Saturday, July 14, 2012

Scrapbooking - Week 2

Day 8 – Today I worked on a lot of my study abroad pictures. It was fun to look back and since I’ve already done the scrapbook for those I could see some of the organization and transformation and how it would pay off. I still have a very long way to go though.

Day 9 – I organized more pictures today, surprise surprise. I’m going to have to work on this stuff for more than one hour a day if I ever want to get it done this month L

Day 10 – Unfortunately, I added even more pictures today, some recent ones. Luckily, they were pretty easy to organize. It’s crazy how pictures can be manipulated using computers and that these aren’t even pictures, just files of numbers. I hope I can get these all organized and backed up before anything goes wrong with my computer.

Day 11 – Late night scrapbooking again . . . can you guess why? Yep, that’s right, I was up way too late baking again. I made these: Scooter Pies. They were pretty amazing J Scooter pie! I need to learn to get started earlier, and not be quite so ambitious . . . I don’t think I’ll ever learn.

Day 12 – So the TV was on while I was working on my scrapbooking tonight, so I was probably not as productive as I should have been, but to counteract that, I worked on it for a little bit longer. I think I need to lock myself in a study room at the library or something until I get these all organized . . . it’s just so tedious, I wish I could get to the creative part already.

Day 13 – I was bad today and only worked on my scrapbooking for about a half an hour, but it was a good half an hour (and I really didn’t have any other time unless I would have gotten up even earlier in the morning, and I just didn’t think about it then), so a half an hour is going to have to do. I made quite a bit more progress on my study abroad pictures and I think those are the majority of what I have, so that’s good. Tomorrow is Saturday so hopefully I’ll be able to make up for a little bit of lost time (provided I’m not baking all day ;)).

Day 14 – I scrapbooked for about an hour and half today to make up for my short day yesterday. I think I almost have all of my 2007-2010 pictures organized . . . yay J That is a big job. I still have to go through and delete all the duplicates, etc. but at least they are organized. I finally feel like I’m making progress. 

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