Monday, October 1, 2012

October Reveal

So I tapped into my creative side a little bit last month, and I wanted to kind of keep that trend going. I discovered this cool website called Duolingo where I can practice/learn a new language while at the same time help to translate the internet into another language . . . cool huh? So, I couldn’t decide what I wanted to learn (continue Spanish, learn German since my husband took a few years of it in high school, start a new language altogether . . . French?). I was not sure if I would have internet access for the first few days since I am away from home on training for my new job, so I picked up some Spanish language magazines and books to try and read. Maybe later on in the month I’ll try Duolingo and maybe do German or Spanish or French . . . I want to keep my options open. That’s the challenge for this month: spend some time (30 – 60 minutes) every day immersing myself in another language and try and make that stagnant “English only” section of my brain a little more pliable . . . this should be fun J

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