Saturday, February 2, 2013

2013 - Week 5

So, how was Week 5 for everyone? I slacked a little bit on my rock climbing and only went once, but I made up the rest of the time getting almost all done with my recipes. I even took a completely relaxing bath while finishing the rest of my "Breaking Dawn" on CD and working on my recipes . . . now that's the way to get a task done :) I did 30 minutes of Wii fit to finish out my hour of exercise for the week, and the strength training challenges (push ups, planks, and those V sit up things) kicked my butt . . . I was sore for two days. Other than that, all of my reading & writing stuff (dream journal, daily memory, Bible reading) is still going well, nothing too exciting to report. As for my "new thing", I actually had three new recipes that I tried this week:
#1 - Cheesy Chicken & Salsa Skillet
It was pretty tasty. I used a frozen pepper and generic brand salsa but it was still good. The chicken was moist and the flavor good with the salsa. I turned on the broiler and put the pan under that to get the cheese to melt since the heat from the dish alone was not doing it. It's a keeper I think.

#2 - Chocolate Yummies
Graham crackers with marshmallows melted on top
Chocolate / Peanut butter / Rice Krispie mixture spread over that
Mmm . . . 
Now, something called "Chocolate Yummies" really can't be bad, but I have to say, these weren't as good as I was hoping. Perhaps it is because they were up against a lot of other amazing treats at the party I took them to, but I wasn't as in love with them as I thought I would be (for how much I like s'mores). They are okay, but the inspiration they gave me (to attempt a similar dessert, but with a few changes, to try to recreate my favorite candy bar, the Nestle Lion Bar) was worth it. They are tasty, but I probably won't make them again unless specifically requested. Stay tuned for my Lion Bar creation one of these days :)

#3 - Velveeta Spicy Cheeseburger Dip

Unfortunately I don't have a picture of this one, but it was by far the biggest hit of the week. Everyone at the party loved it and the recipe was requested by all. One girl loved it so much she said she felt jealous every time anyone else took some because it meant there was less left for her to eat. It was especially good with tortilla chips, I thought, but I also had Ritz type crackers, carrots, celery, yellow pepper, and pizza crust with it :) I doubled the recipe and kept it warm in a crock pot during the party. Afterwards, there was a bit left (only because I made a double batch) so I used some to make homemade "Crunch Wrap Supremes". I also took some and diluted it with milk, thickened it back up with cornstarch + water and served it with shell pasta . . . it was like spicy, tex-mex Velveeta shells and cheese . . . highly recommended.

I hope you enjoy all of those recipes, and have another great week :)


  1. Your blog is both informative and inspiring. I've been looking forward to it each week! Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. Thanks Kerry! Your's is too :) I'm so glad you are enjoying mine :)
