Saturday, April 5, 2014

2014 - Book 11

Vermont - Jip His Story

Ah, this book was refreshing. It was wholesome, with good morals, and I really liked it. Considering I like Katherine Paterson as an author, and this book won the Scott O'Dell award and I like his books too, I had a feeling I would like this one . . . and I did :)
This is a story of a very hard-working young boy who is of unknown ancestry and grows up practically running the town's poor farm. He is a simple kid who knows how to love people and take good care of animals. I think he is a great role model for any young adults reading the book and it was also a good historical fiction read as well. I would recommend it to teachers and parents alike.

For my recipes to share this week, I have two treats that I liked just as much as this book :)

The first are these absolutely adorable bears in the bubble bath. They were pretty easy to make and would be a really great treat to let the kids help you make. Since they were mostly pre-made ingredients, I wasn't expecting much in the taste department, but they were actually really tasty too . . . give them a try :)
Aww . . . bathtub bears :) 
The other recipe I tried were these M&M bars. They tasted exactly like the giant M&M cookies that my mom would get me when we would go to the mall together . . . a little reminicence from my childhood :) I doubled the recipe and only used about one and a half 12 oz. bags of M&Ms instead of two. So good.
I saved some M&Ms to make these for you when you come visit, Mom :)
Give these lovely recipes a try and let me know what you think :) Have a great week!


  1. Awww...thanks for thinking about me. I do remember how much you loved those cookies when shopping! You were always the best girl when we shopped! Will you be able to keep Jonathan from eating those extra M & M's?
    Love, Mom

    1. You're welcome. I gave him strict instructions not to eat them, so I'll be able to make a batch when you come to visit :)
