Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 - Week 1

So my first week of the new 2013 is over, and what have I done? Well, after 365 days of non-stop working, on January first, I rested. Not that I wasn't busy, I just didn't do any specific tasks. Since then, I have kept up on recording my dreams every morning, memorable moment of the day every night, and Bible reading (at least one chapter per night) successfully. Since it was only a four day week, I "pro-rated" the task and exercise, so I did four hours of knitting (instead of five) and skipped the exercise (however, I will do an extra hour next week to make up for it). The knitting is going very well, the scarf is now 5'8" long, and growing :) It's still looking good as far as being even and not dropping any stitches. I'm going to try and get to the end of the second skein by the 16th (my knitting book is due back at the library on the 17th and I need to know how to finish it off, so the pressure is on), so I will need to really do a lot of knitting in the next few days. As for my "something new" for the week, it was a new recipe, as promised. I got some truffle oil for Christmas, so I made truffle fries (which were not as crispy or "truffle-y" as I was hoping for) and also tried a new recipe for pretzel buns (these turned out very good). My husband grilled some pineapple and turkey burgers and I made homemade honey mustard sauce (not bad, despite being made of things that I don't like) to create this lovely meal:
Yum :)
How has your first week been? Stay tuned for more goings-on next week :)

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